Wednesday, December 10, 2008

You Betta WORK!

Top O'The Morn, Ye Ol' SavvyFAT'Liens!

Jeeeeaahhhh! I knew a little beefy Bex showing those high-priced BVDs who's boss would get your juicies going cray-yay-zee! MC's ack like they don't know!

After 5 lousy, dizzays :-( of chillin' like an illy-feelin' villain, I've finally returned to a normal temperature! Now finger clap, ehh!
My forehead has finally ceased production of salty oceans of sweat and I can half-way speak a whole sentence without sounding like Peter Brizzady. (0:37 mark; Also, please note how NONE of the Bradys are part of a Rhythm Nation, especially Puberty Pete. D'oh!)

Today, I thought I'd switch it up a bit since this IS the month that our (well, "some " of our; This is America! I like to exercise the 'T' word) Lord and Savior was born.
Instead of our usual Hump Day Holiday in the middle of the week, I'll introduce you to something far more tame and "family-friendly." Because if you've ever read anything on SavvyFatty, you KNOW I'm AAALLLL about family.
I'm like the McDonald's of Bloggers; the Sunday afternoon crowd at Hometown Buffet of the Blogging World; a 90s Friday night tuned into ABC type of Blogging Biatch, riiiigghhhttt?!


What IS "Work It! Wednesday!," you ask?
Well, it's just me being me highlighting someone who I believe is WORKIN' IT! in whatever they do.
I don't mean ho-hum, everyday working it. NO!
I'm talmbout: WORKIN' IT!
Going for DOLO and doing them at all costs and being BAD AZZ at it. And not someone who's already been put on for their city; but someone who is doing the dayum thizzang; someone who has yet to receive proper shine for whatever it is that they BANG at.
Know someone like this? Get at me and let me know what they're all about!

So, ninjas and beaches, I introduce you to:
"Work It! Wednesday!"

And you better like it!