Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Bristol Palin's Pussy Pumper

(above) Levi Johnston, Bristol Palin's high school sweetheart and the reported father of her unborn baby.
(below) The Palin Family; Bristol on the far right.

I wouldn't let this jheri-curled, mophead, dead-eyed fool near my poosay...but apparently Bristol Palin did. And now plans to World-of-Curls his 'fro for the "rest" of her life.


Kitty said...

Oh no, ma'am! I guess it's slim pickins up there for Alaskan peen good good. SMH Now she's stuck with the white SoulGlo spokesman til death.

The Randomness said...

lol@ kitty! I am just trying to get National Inquirer to GET INTO THIS! I am mad that Daily KOS has left me in the cold. I am sticking to that story. Bristol had a baby taken away and she went and manufactured another. Bad mother....


Ayyy, Kitty!!!
Yup! She better log on to PlasticPillowCases.com QUICK...or she'll have to invest in Tide stock like a muhfucka!

Bella Random is in the BUILDIN'!!!!
I'm PISSED that Daily KOS deleted that story. I wonder if Palin had McCain "Hooty-HOOOO" Dick Cheney and he sent the hammers over there...Hmmmm...we will never know!

I don't think Bristol had another baby out of spite for Trig. I think she just couldn't stay off the Johnston Johnson long enough and he slipped her some TRILL Do-It To-It Fluid for the second time in a lil' over a year!

THE 78' MS. J said...

so seriously if women vote for mccain just because of this loony ass alaskan chick I'm packing my ish and moving to cuba. This country is wacked.

Anonymous said...

So, his parents didn't teach him about B/c or condoms, either? Did NONE (kids, parents) of them learn the first time around? I mean, what is going on in Alaska? Maybe they are just part of some oblivious birth control free sect.

But then again, it is Alaska where the days are dark and REALLY cold in winter months so maybe it was too cold to go get condoms? The cold made them ineffective? Or maybe the condom suppliers truck couldn't reach them...you thnk? In that case, what is a pair of hot teenage lovers to do on dark afterschool afternoon? I'm just saying

Naturally Alise said...

or is that a Wave Nouveau? Carefree Curl? the jury is still out, lol